Folders and Layers
You may have already noticed that a list has appeared in the right-side panel in Scene tab. It’s the list of layers'' of which each level in Red Engine consists.
Layers are objects on which all other things are placed like meshes, waypoints, paths, and so on. Layers are grouped into folders (groups) in hierarchical order.
Different States
Each layer and folder has an icon which indicates the current state of the layer/folder:

NOTE: this doesn’t apply to the folders within this particular folder, which means that all the layers from the subfolders will still be loaded.
Adding Objects
To put something on a layer you simply select the layer by double-clicking it with LMB. Then you can add objects to it.
By right-clicking on the world view you open a pre-made list of mechanics-related general objects such as triggers, waypoints, etc..
You can also add objects from Asset Browser (usually physical objects e.g. meshes, entities but also action points).
Manipulating Objects
You can copy, cut, paste, and move objects freely in the world.
The options for manipulating objects are easily accessed from the menu on the left side of main editor window. You can choose to edit objects from all the layers (Multi Layer button) or from the active layer only (Active Layer button; it means that no object from an inactive layer can be selected with LMB).
Each layer, folder and object you put on a layer has properties that can be edited. To edit properties of an object simply select it on the Scene list and change tab to Properties. For example you can edit properties of a folder (flag isVisibleonstart) here.
NOTE: When opening a saved world to load it open Scene tab in the right panel, right-click on World and select "Load" or "Load all".