History: Welcome to The Witcher 2 REDkit

Preview of version: 108

exclaim News and Announcementsexclaim

exclaim There are two options as to how to share your work, if you want to share it with us (CD Projekt RED) pm me and I'll send you ftp details. However, if you want to share it with other modders here, use smth like dropbox, use WinRAR and create the file password protected.

exclaim Make sure you have downloaded SQLite appropriate for your system. Or download this one. Right click on the file and run it as administrator!

exclaim If you find a new bug in REDkit, fill in this form and post it on Forum. It'll be very helpful ;)

exclaim Remember to create your level in folder data\levels\MY LEVEL

Table of Content
  1. REDkit
    1. Getting Started
    2. Editor
    3. Quests
    4. Scenes
    5. Level Design
    6. Gameplay
    7. Scripting
