Spawning animals

1. Create a new layer, call it "Animals" and activate the layer with a double click.

1. Right click on the ground, select Graphics -> Add Birds manager. Change the following in the Properties tab:
  • CNode / Tags = birds_manager0
  • birdsSpawnPointsTag = birds1
  • birdType = crow / pigeon (whichever you want to have)

3. Right click on the ground again, place Graphics -> Add Birds spawnpoint and change:
  • CNode / Tags = birds1

You can add as many spawn points as you wish. The name doesn't matter, but the tag has to be the same. If you copy/paste they'll be added with sequential numbers.

4. Right click again and place Graphics -> Add Birds reaction area. This is our reaction area. Resize it as you wish. If the player steps into it, the birds will fly away. Also, change:
  • CBirdsArea / birdsManagerTag = birds_manager0

Spawning non-bird animals works the same, except that you find the manager and spawner entities in the Asset Browser (engine/templates/editor/ -> animal_area, animal_manager, animal_spawnpoint).

Of course you can name all the properties as you wish, the names I used are just for this tutorial. If you did everything correctly, then birds should appear on the defined spawn points, fly away as soon as you enter the reaction area, and come back if you exit the area. Similarly, the area marker for the animal_manager keeps the animals close to that area. Unlike birds, the animals won't run away just because you walk into the trigger. You choose the animal type here:
  • "CAnimalManager / animalType = AT_Deer / AT_Cat / etc."

Be sure to make your animal area much smaller than the actual area you want the animals to move. Their ranging can be unpredictable.