
This page is going to help you solving various common problems and mistakes relating to the RedKit.
Feel free to add your own problem solutions.

RedStrings Issues

If you are getting a error related to redstrings and localisation then chances are that you do not have sqllite installed.
It can be found in the witcher 2 folder under the witcher 2\Redists. Install it. It however is also required to have .net framework 2.0 SP2 and .net framework 3.5 SP1 installed for it to work.

The .net framework 3.5 SP1 can be found here:

The .net framework 2.0 SP2 can be found here:

If you are using win 7 or newer go to install/unintall programs and press turn on off windows features.
There you have to turn on all .net 2.0 and .net 3.5 features for it to work.

Terrain Paint Issues

If you are having odd shadows and stripes or squares in the textures when you look at them in the viewport then it is likely that the texture set is somewhat damaged. To fix this you will have to remove a the first texture from the tile000x000 and lores/highres or any other place this occurs. This may force you to repaint your terrain but it currently is the only way to resolve this.

Non Solid Meshes

If your meshes are non solid ingame you have added them as mesh instead of static mesh. If you wish to have them solid you have to add then as STATIC MESH or it wont work. Also note that meshes added as meshes are ignored by the navmesh and cause a geralt suddenly hovers 5 meteres over the mesh isse.