Cooking your level
Preparing to cook:
Add a quest file to your level (read Quest Tutorial (basics) and in this quest, add the following things:
1. Add a partition to the level (read Streaming) . To the right of the editor, you will see the tab called "World". There you can choose the partition you want to load in the beginning of your level.

2. Add a waypoint to spawn Geralt in your level. In the "World" tab, enter the tag of this waypoint.
3. In your quest, add "CharacterCustomizer" (in gameplay), if you want to load an edited inventory (different clothes, weapons, etc. for Geralt). There is also a wiki entry on how to do this: Managing player inventory
4. In your quest, add a new script "QActivateEnvironment" and enter the name of the area environment you want to load.

Now you can hit the "cook" button.

Choose a screenshot that should be displayed for your mod in the main menu of The Witcher 2. You can also add a description for your mod.

Then press "Start cooking".
After that you will be able to activate your mod using userContentManager.exe (\Witcher 2\bin).
Put a tick, then press "Save and Run".

To play it in game, press NewGame -> User Content.
If there are any problems, please, check this threads: