Managing player inventory

This tutorial is based on the Geralt spawning video tutorial. If you haven't done it yet, do it now and then come back.

1. In the Asset Browser search for the "witcher_inventory" entity. Right click it and make a copy.

2. Go into your level folder (in the Asset Browser) and paste as "tutorial_inventory_remove" AND a second time, as "tutorial_inventory_new". We will later on game start remove every item from Geralts inventory which is defined in the "tutorial_inventory_remove"-entity, and re-add everything that is defined in the "tutorial_inventory_new"-entity. That means, we first remove all the items and then add them new.

3. Open your newly created "tutorial_inventory_new"-entity and switch to the inventory-tab. Here you can now remove every item you want Geralt not to have, and add every item he should have when the player is starting the game. As example, you can change the Oren value with your own, or add various traps and grenades, etc.

IMPORTANT: To define what clothes and weapons Geralt has to wear on the game start, you will have to change the item stat in the list from "isMount = false" to true. That is, as example: Armor, gloves, pants, silver sword and steel sword, which should have the "isMount"-flag set to "true" or Geralt will be naked.

4. Next up you open the quest file, which you created in the above mentioned Geralt spawning video tutorial. Right click and add Gameplay -> Character Customizer. Connect it to your quest START.

5. Click on your newly created Character Customizer and add two new operations on the left side:
Operation 0 = CCCOpItemsRemoveMatchingTemplates
Link the template to your "tutorial_inventory_remove"-entity.

Operation 1 = CCCOpItemsCustomizeInventory
Link the template to your "tutorial_inventory_new"-entity.

Save everything.

If you start the game now, Geralt will be spawned with the new loadout. Though, Geralt will also spawn with the DLC items, if the player activated them. If you don't want to have players start with the DLC items (like me), you will have to add them to the "tutorial_inventory_remove"-entity manually. As an example, the Roach Commando Jacket, Herbalist Gloves, etc.