
Action points are waypoints in which characters play pre-defined animations (which are defined in Job Tree editor).

Creating new actionpoint

To create an Action Point we need to create an Entity. We must set its class to CActionPoint and add CActionPointComponent. In CActionPointComponent properties we need to link JobTree file to jobTreeRes.


To have a proper, working JobTree, we need to create a Job Tree file, set at least one category and animations we want to be used. After opening job tree we click on in the left tab and in the middle tab we see its properties:

Valid Categories: array of action point categories – used in Community timetable.
Selection Mode:
  • SM_SEQUENCE – animations will play in order, from top to bottom.
  • SM_RANDOM – animations will play randomly.
Iterations: defines how many times a sequence will be played.
Left Item/Right Item: we choose what item in which hand should be placed

Next we right-click on and choose “Add enter animation”. On newly created node we right-click and choose “Add child node”. On the top we right-click and choose “Add leave animation”. On the child we right-click and choose “Add enter animation”. We’ve created a simple job tree.

Now we click on first child (it will be pre- animation) and on the middle tab we have:

category name: we define which set of animation should be used for this node (to create a category name, we need to open globals/animations.csv, add a category name in friendlyName and path to animation set in animsetDepotPath)
Anim Name: choose which animation should be played (animations that should be played on the beginning have names with “start” in it)
Anim Blend In/Out: defines how long the blends between previous and next animation should be
Is Lookat Enabled: defines if NPC will have lookat on player when playing this animation
Place: not used
Disable Path Agent: if true, NPC won’t be pushed out from AP if there’s collision (used for action points like sitting at the desk

In the settings tab we have:

Left/Right Remove at end: defines if at the end of action (whole sequence of animations) NPC will remove item from his hands
Left/Right Drop on break: defines if when breaking the action, NPC will drop item from his hands
Can React: defines if NPC during action will have any reaction on player (reactions are defined in NPC entity template)

Setting Pre and Post animations

We can set if we want pre and post animations to play when: NPC is spawned in AP – f.e. sitting at the desk (with pre animation off he'll spawn already on the chair without sitting on it); NPC chooses to use the same AP (with both pre and post animations off, he’ll continue to work in AP without getting up and sitting down).

Job tree preview

After creating and setting a job tree we can check in preview if everything looks good and we can check how NPC will look when using AP with this job tree in editor without starting the game. In the preview tab we right-click and choose “Use selected entity”, after selecting proper NPC entity. On the bottom we choose from drop-down list category of action point. If we want to check it in preview we click Play button. If we want to check it in the world, we must place action point entity on the location and when it’s selected, click the Globe button.